Essential Vs Non-Essential Amino Acids

Essential Vs Non-Essential Amino Acids

Amino acids play very crucial roles in the body. The formation of proteins, which is their central role, is one of the most vital functions they play in the body, considering that proteins take up seventy percent of the body mass after withdrawing water.

Nature provides about one hundred amino acids, but the human body uses slightly above twenty amino acids.

The interaction of amino acids, the sequence of combination, and chemical composition lead to different proteins with different properties.

The proteins that form the human body fall into two major groups: essential amino acids on the one hand and non-essential amino acids on the other.

The grouping of these amino acids is on their sources, not function, which could be a little deceptive in the first case.

Essential amino acids

Essential amino acids, known by another name as indispensable amino acids, are that the body cannot synthesize by its internal mechanism, meaning that one has to supply them through diet.

The body does not have a mechanism to store amino acids, which means that they will be used as they become available, and the rest will have to be expelled from the system.

The body acquires these amino acids by breaking down the proteins supplied through diet, absorbing them into the bloodstream before assimilating them into molecules it can readily process. Common essential amino acids include:

  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Histidine
  • BCAAs
  • Phenylalanine

Lysine is one of the most critical essential proteins, which works to enhance calcium absorption and encourage the mobilization of energy and growth of lean muscle.

This amino acid further drives nitrogen into the cells for use and maintains a nitrogen balance in the body.

This results in the growth and maintenance of lean muscle, without which such muscle could quickly wear off over time.

Many studies also point to the role of lysine in producing antibodies and hormones, otherwise known as chemical messengers.

Histidine is essential in the repair of wounded body tissues and the replacement of some specialized cells.

This amino acid is used to produce and maintain specialized cells called glial nerve cells, which form a protective layer to shield the nerves.

Nerves are the sensor and communication devices of the body, so injury or miscommunication means the body will not respond to stimuli.

Histidine plays another crucial role by forming blood cells, namely the red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen to the different body parts and the white blood cells responsible for the body’s immunity.

As if it has not done enough to the body, this amino acid cushions the body from harmful radiation. It controls iron levels in the body and takes part in digestion by producing gastric juices on the stomach walls.

BCAAs, which means branched-chain amino acids, refers to a group of three amino acids, leucine, valine, and isoleucine, all of which have a unique characteristic in that their molecular structures are branch-like, giving them the ability to perform some of the tasks other amino acids cannot do.

These amino acids occupy the top seat when it comes to bodybuilding, given their role in synthesizing muscle proteins and maintaining such muscle against rapture and breakdown.

They have also found their way to the medical corridors, where they are used for treating dizziness, irritability, depression, headaches, and fatigue resulting from protein deficiencies.

These three further provide the fuel that keeps the muscle going during intensive workouts, and several studies link leaner bodies to a higher intake of them.

Phenylalanine plays a crucial role in mood stimulation and avoidance of stress. This amino acid excites the nervous system, which in turn keeps the moods elevated as well as aiding in memory.

They are also used as neurotransmitters capable of bypassing the blood-brain blockade to deliver messages to either side.

These amino acids further play a role in absorbing UV rays, upping the immune system’s strength, and enhancing the production of vitamin D in the body.

Methionine is crucial for the production of testosterone and the breakdown of fats. This acid is also an antioxidant, helping the body with the supply of Sulphur and the inactivation of free radicals moving in the system.

It also works in conjunction with phenylalanine to enhance the recall capability of the brain.

Non-essential amino acids

Well, I started by specifying that the classification here is by source and not used because if you rely on the meaning implied by the latter, you may not bother reading to the end.

This group of Non-essential amino acids refers to those that are naturally available in the body in abundant levels, and the body can synthesize them on need, so you do not have to supply them through the diet.

The human body can synthesize up to eleven non-essential amino acids. Common ones include the following:

  • Glutamine
  • Cysteine
  • Alanine
  • Glycine
  • Asparagine
  • Threonine
  • Arginine
  • Aspartic acid
  • Creatinine

Glutamine is the most abundant of all amino acids. It forms more than sixty percent of all the available amino acids in the body. It is essential for concentration as well as memory.

When this amino acid enters the brain cells, it turns to glutamic acid, which has been connected to the functioning of the brain cells.

Several studies indicate that it binds itself to nitrogen and ammonia to help detoxify the brain cells and play a central role in forming genes and genetic information.

Asparagine is essential for the maintenance of the nervous system equilibrium. It also regulates body metabolism levels and neutralizes certain toxins in the body.

Threonine balances protein levels and takes part in the formation of the enamel of the teen.

It has been indicated to aid in maintaining glucose levels in the body, acting against stress, and boosting the working of the liver.

Arginine is a particular amino acid because of its ability to retain nitrogen molecules.

It keeps the immune system on alert, strengthens it against foreign bodies, and ignites insulin release by the pancreas. Other studies suggest that this amino acid may be the reason behind sexual excitement as well.

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